Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Presidential Debate

Well it has been way too long since I have blogged last. So much has happened so here is a quick recap. Summer was great, I sweat a lot, now I'm back in school. That being said I have noticed that there are a few differences between Liberty University and Oklahoma state. I'm not going to bash LU because honestly there are a few great people out there, but I didn't quite realize how weird that school really is until I went to a state school. So here is a list of the things that come to mind: at OSU people treat you like an adult, girls are allowed in your room even when the door is shut, ESPN in my room, teachers don't take attendance, laundry is free, when you get a package it is actually delivered to your dorm, our football team is nationally ranked, you can wear hats in class and wear whatever you want to, no curfew, the girls here aren't desperately trying to get married, and we have Greek life. But to be fair LU had some things OSU doesn't. Including: trampoline basketball, mandatory chapel with the same message 3 times a week, fines other than parking tickets, a ski slope, and girls who desperately want to get married. There are also a few things these schools have in common: math teachers who have no idea what they are talking about, douche bag long-boarders who try to ride as close to you as possible, Asians that travel in large groups, and plenty of blogging material.

Things at OSU are going great, honestly the best school I have ever attended (sorry mom).

"College isn't the place to go for ideas"- Helen Keller.

Later, JG

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