Saturday, June 26, 2010

It's 2am and I didn't proof read this, enjoy!

It has been entirely too long since I have last posted, but I have kind of been busy teaching kids about Jesus. I know that isn't a good reason but its the best I can think of. Honestly this summer has been great. The people here are some of the greatest people I have ever met. When I say some I really do mean some. Probably one of my least favorite people I have met, in my entire life not just at the ranch, is David Cox.

If you don't know who David is think of a almost as attractive Owen Wilson before he broke his nose 3 times and than subtract about 60lbs and take away the hair.That's what he looks like. I think I would rather be co counselors with Helen Keller than David. Although there wouldn't be much of a difference. It's so funny though how he tries to be best friends with me. He is always telling me how good looking and strong I am, it's almost pathetic sometimes. He even told all his friends on Facebook about my blog trying to spark some kind of friendship between us. David Cox I have one question for you, Wwhhere do you get off?

Being at camp all summer naturally makes one want to watch the 1994 comedy Heavy Weights. So tonight I did just that. After watching all those chubby kids jiggle across the screen it made me think about the auditions that went down to be in that movie. I mean what did the ad sound like? We are looking for overweight children, preferably obese and ones that have diabetes, to be in a movie mocking fat kids. Yeah if I had a fat kid, or a ginger, I would probably make them try out for a part and than spend there money but tell them its in a college fund. I can't wait until I'm a parent.

One of my favorite things about being a counselor is just being sarcastic with campers. It's so funny whenever they catch on, but even more funny when they have no idea and think I'm really that mean. Another favorite thing is the questions they ask me. The following is a list of questions asked by 3rd graders week one:

I asked my cabin who had sinned and my camper replied, "I have, I say the "F" word like 50 times a day."
While swimming, "Is your tattoo spanish or something?"
"I want to be you Mr. John, you get to yell at kids and tell them to go to bed."
Two boys talking, "You slept naked? Yeah not even socks!"
What's an orgy? (thanks to a verse read in chapel)
"The blob sounds like boob, Why do girls have boobs? Thats just wrong."
"I can't be a missionary in Africa, I'm allergic to lots of African things."
"Can Mexicans got to Heaven?"
Chubby camper 1, "I'm on a diet." 2nd camper "You ate 6 Reece's pieces today." Chubby, "Yeah I normally eat 6."

Oh the joys of campers!

"Destiny knows where you live, will you be home when it comes over to see if you can play?"- Pete and Pete.

Later, JG

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

That's Right, I Blogged About It.

It has been about 2 weeks since my last blog and I really don't feel as if I need to often since the 2.5 people who read this are constantly with me this summer anyways. Tomorrow is going to be a big day for me, it will be the first time I have taken a shower, with soap, since May 11th. I really don't want to because I'm curious to see how long I can go, but the time has finally come. I don't really have a good reason for not showering, but I usually never have a good reason for anything that I do.

Speaking of not having a good reason to do something, tonight was the talent show thing at NLR. Me and my small group decided to do this parody of "Like a Boss" by Andy Samberg. Lets just say it was the end of my short rapping career. I may pursue that dream later but for now I will stick to the white person that I am.

I have been looking forward to camp for so long its weird finally being here. The only thing I wasn't expecting was how much I would be made fun of. I feel as if I am the only guy who can't go sleeveless, talk to a girl, or blog without everyone making me feel like a terrible person. Oh well at least no one can see me cry myself to sleep at night.

"You're a mountain that I would like to climb, not to conquer but to share in the view. You're a bondfire I will gather around you"- Incubus

Later, JG