Sunday, May 23, 2010

Do you want to have a summer party in my basement?

Well I'm finally in Oklahoma, and as it does each time I arrive I feel as if I had never left. Myself along with my little sister Kaitlin and bestie Lindsey left North Carolina around 8 pm on Thursday night. It wasn't a bad drive at all it actually went by a lot faster than I was expecting. I ended up driving all through the night and until about 11 am my body time and I think I only fell asleep a few times. Whoever created those rumble strips along the highway is a genius. I'm just messin... kind of.

I decided the make the trip without any caffeine at all to avoid a crash later, figuratively and literally. So I made the 16 hour drive on Gatorade, 8 burgers from Wendy's, and all the Casha anyone could ever dream about. It's funny how one's mind begins to play tricks while driving at 4 am. I kept imagining I was on some weird secret mission, but I can't remember where I was going. I just couldn't raise any suspicion because that would mean getting pulled over by the cops and they wanted to get information out of me. I guess that was the only way to keep myself from speeding on those long strips of Tennessee highway where no one was in sight. Didn't get pulled over so I guess I did alright.

So I was riding back from Wal-Mart yesterday and I'm getting over a pretty nasty sunburn and my chest and shoulders are peeling pretty badly. I was sitting in the passenger seat with the windows rolled down and I started scratching my shoulder without really thinking about it. Next thing I know the girl sitting behind me asked me to stop because my dead skin was landing on her. I'm pretty good at first impressions.

Right now I'm sitting in the staff lounge at NLR. It's moldy and smells terrible, the couches are wet, everything is out of place, yet there is honestly nowhere else on earth I would rather be.

"With the lights out, it's less dangerous, here we are now entertain us. I feel stupid, and contagious, here we are now entertain us"- Kurt Cobain.

Later, JG

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Talked Me Into It

Ah its summertime. No more papers, finals, nasty cafeteria food, and most of all no more paleness! That's right I'm going to the beach tomorrow to get my tan/skin cancer on. The weather is actually calling for isolated thunderstorms the entire time I will be there so knowing my luck I wont get tan and I will probably get struck by lightning. I'm going with my bestie so it will be fun regardless. She and I both share in the love of creepin so I can imagine I will be getting some good stories these next few days.

I'm driving out to Oklahoma this week and I can't wait to get there but the only thing holding me back is the 16 hour drive to get out there. I try to make 16 hours not sound like a long time by breaking it down, but so far telling myself its like driving to LU 8 times in a row, or to New York City and back, or just halfway to California, isn't working out too well.

There are lots of things that people do that just don't make any sense. One of these is graduations. Think about it, lets go watch someone else's kid put on a dress and a lame hat, have someone read his or her name so he or she can walk across a stage and than sit back down, and than you give them a card with money? I mean isn't graduating high school something that even the most average teenager does? So for doing what you're suppose to do you get tons of money. Shouldn't it be the other way around? I mean they graduated they are going to make more money than those who don't graduate, lets give money to those who didn't graduate, that just makes more sense to me.

Every time I see those commercials on TV late at night where they show these pretty good looking girls advertising phone dating. I mean that's a great way to meet a creeper, but call me old fashioned but usually people just leave their couches to meet "local hot singles." What do I know I'm sure their are plenty of classy people out there phone dating.

"We don't need your hypocrisy, execute real democracy, post-industrial society, the unthinking majority"-Serj Tankian.

Later, JG

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Kaitlin's Bday post

Oh man six more days and I'm out of here. This year has gone by pretty fast but I know this next week won't be over fast enough. Today was good though all classes where canceled for a "Reading day". It's kind of a ridiculous thing but whatever I got to go bridge jumping today and that was sick as always.

The bridge we jump off of is close to a pretty big camping/trail place so its a public bridge but apparently jumping off is not allowed. So when I got there with my group there was a cop there and told us we weren't allowed to jump of the bridge. He left and about two minutes after he was gone people were jumping off again. Its about a 40ft jump so its good for adrenaline. The entire time I was thinking about what my mom always said "If your friend jumped off a bridge would you do the same thing?" Unfortunately, I was always the friend who was jumping off trying to get everyone else to follow me. In the end no one got too hurt and the fuzz didn't come back.

While we were all jumping a group of people who were hiking stoped to watch. I talked to a few of them and found out that they all have been hiking for two months now and started in Georgia and where headed to Maine following the Appellation Mountains. It was so cool and they all told me I should seriously do it, and now I seriously want to. (anyone who wants to let me know because I'm down like a frown) We talked for about 5 mins or so and found out they all started their hike alone and met each other and have been friends since. As I was about to leave one of them asked me if I knew where he could buy some "herb" that was pretty funny.

Typical black people, whoever yells the loudest and gets the angriest gets the ball back.-Random black guy at the bball courts.

Later, JG

Monday, May 3, 2010

Everybody Wants to be a Backstreet Boy.

I just took a lot of Nyquil before I started this post, just to let you know. Looking back on some of my post(not that I have very many to choose from) I have noticed some misspelled words and a few grammar mistakes. I'm not apologizing by any mean it's my blog I will write whatever I want, but I just wanted everyone who read this, yes all 4 of you, that I am aware of my mistakes.

One of the things that has brought joy into my life, surprisingly, is whenever someone who I know very well or not well at all tells me they read my blog. I feel honored that someone would seriously take the time to read about the things that happen in my day or what I'm thinking. The reason this makes me so happy is because it assures me that people waste their time on stupid things which justifies the stupid things I read or watch. Sometimes I wish I had a life but than I wouldn't be able to sleep all day.

Sleep is honestly one of my favorite things of all time. Whenever I'm not in class, eating, or playing N64 in my room, you will find me in bed. It has gotten to the point where I try to talk myself out of things to do just so I can sleep. Example I really needed a shower the other night and I was standing in my room trying to decide what to do. I could either take a ten minute shower and than sleep and feel nice and clean, or just get in bed fall asleep and forget how badly I smelt. I went with plan B and just told myself it was preparation for camp. This weekend was pretty grand as far as sleep goes. On Saturday I got up at 10am to go hiking, got back at 1pm and slept until 7 pm. Sunday woke up at 2 pm to go bridge jumping with my bestie Lindsey Kirkland got back at 5 pm and slept until 10:30 pm. It really was one of the best weekends I have had in awhile.

The fact that its May and camp is almost here is crazy. I can't wait to be with some of my favorite people in the world and hopefully be bringing one of my best friends with me this year, but we'll see. This will be a big year for myself and I'm looking forward to see what all will be in store.

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." -Mahatma Gandhi

Later- JG