Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Years resolution- Same as every year!

Well today is my last day in North Carolina and it feels like I just got here. Christmas morning was almost cruel. My family wakes me up at 6 A.M but it gets even worse than that. My parents thought it would be cool to go feed the homeless that morning. Don't get me wrong it was a great experience, but 6 in the morning? What's wrong with homeless lunch? So we get there and we start making pancakes, and other things hungry people like. My parents are attending a church I have never been to before and it's a cool place, but the entire congregation are granolas. Meaning everyone (except a few girls) had a long beard, wore clothing from Goodwill, and was telling a story about something in their life. Sounds nice except I couldn't tell who was homeless. Every time someone walked into the kitchen I wasn't sure if I should ask for help or tell them it isn't time for breakfast. But that isn't even the worse part. My parents thought that we should open one present before we go. So of course the present we open is a Wii. Do you know how slow time goes when one is flipping pancakes knowing that virtual baseball could be happening at one's own home? Well I do and it's pretty slow. As we are leaving I saw this little boy open up a present that some of the people from the church got him. I wish I could describe the look in his face once he saw his new toy. He runs up to me with tears in his little eyes and gives me the biggest hug and thanks me. At that moment I understood the true meaning of Christmas and all of the sudden that Wii didn't sound so desirable... Just kidding we left before anyone opened presents, but how awesome would that have been if that really happen?

New Years Eve, what a night! My boy Philip gives me a shout about a huge party going down in downtown Gboro. Let me tell you this party had literally everything. Tons of people too many to count, fire dancers, men in kilts, people doing this swing thing, a trampoline and a midget! Unfortunately the midget was just a college girl who was at the party and didn't do anything cool but was just with friends (Which I found out the hard way). Apparently "little people" take offense when you ask them what they do. I guess she just liked to sit there and text because that's what she did all night. So the party is going great I'm wearing some phresh kicks, pull up in my mom's minivan, and just chilax. Everything is going great until well I'm not sure how to say this. Most people who hang out in a social gathering know that there is always that one girl. You know the girl who is loudest out of everyone and just wants drama. She was at this party but she decided to outdo herself this time. Nothing ruins a party quite like a girl falling off the roof and an ambulance coming. Thanks a lot loud girl.

"You know driving drunk isn't as hard as everyone makes it sound" -Lauren Gardner. (this quote was not taken out of context in the least bit)

Later, JG.