Thursday, April 29, 2010

Would you like to go to the pants party?

Today was a pretty good day. Finished a project on time and went to a math study group. So after the study group I went to the rot alone because all my friends had already eaten. I get there and the place is filled with Asians. The Asians at Liberty are some of the nicest people I have ever met and seeing them there reminded me that one of my goals this year was to become friends with one of them. I figured I could help them with their English and they could help me in math. That sounds like a pretty fair trade to me.

A few days ago I lost my key to my room and I have still yet to find it. The only problem with this is I can't get into my dorm. Once inside my dorm I can get inside my room by using a credit card (It's pretty sweet actually I feel one of the Spy Kids). So today I was locked outside my dorm and I'm pretty lazy so I didn't feel like texting someone to let me in. So I'm standing there weighing my options when I notice my window is open and I have a ice cream cone in my hand. So I had to get Ryan's attention so I through the ice cream into my room hoping someone would notice. Luckily I have amazing aim and managed to not get any ice cream on any of my stuff.

One of my favorite shows of all time is Nitro Circus. If you haven't seen it I highly recommend it. This show always inspires me which is not necessarily a good thing if you are aware of my past injuries. But nonetheless I watch it as often as I can. Today I was thinking that I would really enjoy moving out to California and becoming a stuntman. The money is good and I could be in movies but no one would no who I am; therefore no paparazzi. I would make a good stuntman for Will Ferrel because we have similar features. I would work along side Will and we would share a laugh or two and soon become best friends. He would later introduce me to the staff of SNL and Andy Samberg and myself would do a Digital Short. What a life that would be.

I think if everyone got a tattoo the world would be a lot less judgmental.

Later, JG

Friday, April 23, 2010

Your leg is bigger than my body.

I have been pretty busy these last few days but it's the weekend now and that means some down time. Im in a small town called Belmont which is right outside of Charlotte NC. It was weird driving past my exit knowing my house was only a few miles away and not stopping. Tomorrow we are going hiking around 9:30 A.M so pretty much no sleeping in tomorrow.

So I have a geography class that meets twice a week and it is without question my favorite class of my freshman year. This is not because I love geography but because my professor is pretty freakin awesome. (oh and the fact that there are 100 students in the class and there are 10 guys including myself) So speaking of girls there is this girl who has sat two seats away from me for the entire semester but has not said one word to me. I sit directly next to her friend and we talk during class but never once did she even look at me. That is until last Thursday. As we were about to leave I got up and was like, "Hi how are you"? She responded "You're John Grant right"? I was pretty confused because we have never talked before but than she said that I was in her freshman seminar class for the first week LAST SEMESTER and was like "You're from NC right and you have a bunch of sister. (we played 2 truths and a lie that one always stumps them) I didn't even know this girls name so I asked her why she never talked to me when I sat almost right next to her and she just said I was intimidating. I was not expecting that at all maybe a you're weird or something but never a you're intimidating. Like I don't think I'm intimidating at all so that was kind of a weird experience for me.

Me and my boys try to go work out at the gym every other day but the only reason I go is so I can go swimming in the summer and not look like one of the starving kids on the 700 club who need 5 cents a day for a meal.(Oh and so Team X will win in powerball) So I'm in there feeling pretty good about myself doing my thing checking myself out in the mirror to see if anything has changed at all. So while I'm looking I see a bunch of names on the wall. As I'm reading I see it is the records for who bench pressed the most. I read the names until I got to one and realized umm yeah thats my roommate Bryant's name up there and he is only a year older than me and is benching more than twice what I was. I didn't feel like doing much after that.

"I'm so happy because today I found my friends, they're in my head."

Later, JG

Monday, April 19, 2010

The JG Rant

One of the things that really upsets me is when Christians argue about politics. I'm completely for people having different opinions than my own, but when they say things like "I wish everyone here was a republican, and I wish democrats would just get saved" just really gets me going. I mean don't judge someone because they think differently than you. I'm neither republican nor democrat. I believe that both political parties are equally corrupt and full of people who could careless for those they are representing. I would rather just not be associated with either party and just do what Jesus has called me to do.

Today I was going to the rot which is the cafeteria here at Liberty and there was some local politician standing by the doors introducing himself to the students and shaking a few hands. We get these guys all the time so it's pretty normal to see this happening. Usually I'm just hungry and could careless what he is saying so I will say something like, oh I'm Canadian I can't vote anyway or I read all about you on Google you don't have to tell me anything. But today I was feeling kind of spunky so as I got that good ole right winged handshake I looked at him and just said, "I'm a democrat." I thought that was the end of it but as I was walking away he yelled, "It's okay you're young I will be praying for you." Maybe I'm making this into a bigger deal than it was but for someone to think that because I don't belong to the political party he does that I need prayer was kind of sickening. I understand that we all need prayer equally but if I had been someone who wasn't a Christian that would have been a pretty big turnoff. I'm sure his heart was in the right place it was just his demeanor that came off as pretty self righteous. I'm also not one of those people who hate to be told what to do, I can take correction just don't tell me how to think.

I just wished we lived in a world where people genuinely loved others, forgave mistakes, and put all selfish ambition away. That would eliminate so much drama and think how much we could progress as a people with a common goal of helping others.

I will try to not write too much about serious things I want this to be fun and random, but that's what was on my mind.

I honestly think I could go the rest of my life without ever hearing the words, legit, epic, and fail. When I hear people use those I want to like give them a epic punch in the face and be like oh fail!!! That would be epic.

Later, JG

I got my sights set on you and I'm ready to aim.

Well this weekend was nothing like I planned it to be. I was expecting to not have to do anything but just sleep and watch hulu all weekend. It was 11 A.M on friday and my boy James was like, "Hey I'm driving to Maryland today to spend the weekend at Stevie Deal's (my other boy) house, you should come." So that afternoon I went on an impulsive 4 1/2 hour drive through the mountains of Virginia, through the insanely busy streets of D.C finally making it to Deal's house.

We had fun that night had some friends over and just watched movies and chillaxin all cool. Woke up at 3 the next day played some ball and had another little get together. Fell asleep around 4 woke up the next morning/afternoon at 3 (we didn't go to church because I forgot to bring my fancy clothes) and started to make our way back to LU.

Probably one of the highlights of the trip was the ride back. James and I soon found out that we both share in the fascination or obsession of Miley Cyrus when we both knew all the words to one of her songs. So naturally like most mature 19 year old men we rolled down the windows to impress the girls all around us at the stoplight. I guessed they realized James was home schooled all throughout high school because they didn't respond to the numerous "wad ups" we gave them and James being socially awkward was the most likely reason they did not give us any numbers.

This week is going to be pretty crazy, I left my phone charger back in Maryland and I never go anywhere without my phone so I'm not sure if I will be able to keep my sanity without being in constant yet shallow conversation all day which is what I'm accustomed to now.

I think queen said it best, "Nothing really matters, anyone can see that nothing really matter to me." These words will be imprinted on my mind for the next couple of weeks as my Freshman year comes to an end. Who knows maybe I will get lucky and OSU will tell me my credits are no good and I will have to repeat Freshman year. There are many positives one being I will be 21 during my Sophomore year, and two it will give me another year to try and grow facial hair.

Later, JG

Thursday, April 15, 2010


So today I was in a study room with a few friends and these rooms are suppose to be sound proof but apparently they are not. As I was talking this complete stranger walks in looks at me and says, "You have an accent, where are you from?" I just said North Carolina. He goes huh and walks away.

I'm a huge fan of people watching and LU has some of the weirdest people so it all just works out.

It's almost the weekend and that's a good thing because I'm going rock climbing, hiking, getting touch ups on my tattoo, and watching as many classic nickelodeon tv shows as I possibly can(mostly Doug).

This weekend is also work weekend at NLR and I have the same song stuck in my head because it completely applies, almost. The song goes For you I'd walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more, but the problem is I'm only 996 miles away so I would have to go 2 miles in the opposite direction first. but I will be there soon enough and that place is completely worth waiting for.

Later. JG

My first time.

Currently I'm pretty disgusted with facebook and the people who take it so seriously. I could honestly careless about who becomes a fan of "summer" or "getting cute text messages when I wake up". I'm tired of the immaturity of the college students that surround me. I'm not a violent person at all but if i hear another person say, fail, epic, or legit one more time I may hit someone. Or if one more person complains about the rules, I mean come on now you're not in high school anymore please grow up. Oh and I can't stand Tim Tebow, there now I'm finished venting.

Okay now on the brighter side it's almost summer and I feel as if this summer is going to be amazing. The people in Oklahoma I will be working along side of are some of my best friends and I'm so anxious to get out there and do work son!

It is now 3:30 A.M and the only reason I am still awake is because once I fall asleep it will be a new school day and I have way too much to do so I'm doing my best to avoid the morning.

If no one reads this it's okay this is more for me anyway. In the words of 3 time male model of the year Derek Zoolander, "There has got to be more to life than being really really ridiculously good looking, and I'm going to find out what that is".
